Baked salmon with creamy pesto courgetti

Written by Sophie

As you may have seen throughout our blog and on social media, us Squirrel Sisters LOVE pesto.  I don’t know why we love it so much, but it’s something we always have in our fridge and always used to request as kids.

But I just had to share this one with you as it was SO delicious and is easy and healthy.  It is also low carb and fits in with the clean and lean or paleo diet if you are following either of those but have a ‘pesto pasta’ craving.

Ingredients (makes 2 generous portions):

  • 2 Salmon fillets
  • 1 Lemon
  • 1 Avocado
  • 1 bunch of Basil
  • 1 handful of pine nuts
  • 2 small Courgettes (or one large one)
  • 2/3 head of broccoli (steamed or boiled)
  • Black pepper


Heat the oven to 180°c, wash, pat dry and lay out the salmon fillets on a baking tray.  Cut the lemon in half and take two slices from one half of the lemon and lay out over the fillets, then grind some of the black pepper over the salmon.

Put into the oven for 20 minutes whilst you prepare your broccoli pesto courgetti!

Boil/steam the broccoli for 8-10 minutes.  Spiralize the courgettes and leave out on the side.

Put the avocado, basil, pine-nuts, juice of the other half of the lemon together with a bit of black pepper and blend (either in a blender or with a handheld blender) until smooth.

When the broccoli is cooked, rinse with cold water to cool it down and then add it to the avocado and basil mix and blend again until it is smooth.  Mix in the courgetti until the pesto mixture is well distributed and everything is well coated.

Divide evenly between the two plates and when the salmon is ready just pop it on top and you are ready to serve!

I almost don’t believe myself at how easy it was, but it really was! I think this one’s going to become a staple in the Squirrel kitchen.

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  1. Oh I love salmon have recently discovered pesto and am trying to eat more courgettes. It’s the perfect late home from work recipe, thanks for sharing.


  2. Oh wow this looks delicious! I just got a spiralizer and I’m dying for recipes that have zoodles!


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